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At this point it might be useful to pause and review what has been achieved so far, There is great altercation over the topic of Dark Tourism. Hannam et al (2008) conveyed that dark tourism ethics vary form person to person, it is purely down to opinion and these views can be influenced by the way people have been brought up and the lifes they lead.


The media play a significant role in our lifes and show us what they want us to see, Novelli (2005) sums up the media by emphasizing that "All life is precious, but not all life is remembered". The media has many effects on peoples lifes these have been shown through three examples, Mandela an icon, a man who had the media on his side throughout his life and was able to change the world. Secondly Diana an icon who was destroyed by the media, bombarded at every opportunity, a life lost at such a young age. Thirdly Hurricane Katrina, The media had mixed effects firstly turning tourists away, making them fear for their own safety and then secondly drawing tourists back to New orleans. The media Kept New Orleans in the spotlight and people came back to witness the disaster and wanted to help.


In the future the media will still continue to report death, disaster and atrocity and show and tell us what they want us to see. Techology will continue to develop and news will be avaliable quicker than it currently is. Dark tourism will continue to grow as long as the media continue to report disasters. peoples opinions regarding these events will still vary. what appears to be acceptable in one persons eyes will be unacceptable in anothers. But where is the line crossed? more research needs to be conducted in order to find the answer to this question.




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