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"Nothing makes a better headline than a celebrity car crash, nothing ends a tail of beauty, wealth and potential like blood on the tracks"T

White L & Frew E (2013)


31st August 1997

Diana the Princess of Wales and her friend Dodi were both killed when their mercedes crashed into the wall of a tunnel under the Pont De L'alma, Paris.

During this time she was being followed by the paparazzi

White L & Frew E (2013)

The media bombarded  Princess Diana throughout every apect of her life, when she was transfomed from a regular human being to a Princess. To when she divorced Prince Charles. No matter What Diana did or who she was with the media preyed on her, even though on numerous occassions she asked them to respect her privacy. They contunied right until her death 

White L & Frew E (2013)


Many questions are still unanswered today regarding Dianas death as to what really happend to her?


  • Was it a genuine accident?

  • Were the paparazzi to blame?

  • Was it an MI5 planned murder?

"I knew the press would kill her, every editor of every publication that paid for photographs of her has blood on their hands today" 

Earl Spencer cited in Hindman (2003)

Many newspapers criticised the paparazzis actions on the night of the crash


New york daily news: "A pack of slavering stalkarazzi were at the center of the crash


"Feeding Frenzy"


"Birds of Prey"

Hindman (2003)

Diana is still unable to rest in peace today as there is still speculation over her death 


Without the input of the media would Diana still be alive? 


The paparazzi knew it was ethically wrong to stalk her in the way they did, did they end an innocent womans life?



Diana (2014) available at accessed on 04/01/2014

Diana (2014) available at accessed on 04/01/2014

Diana (2014) available at accessed on 04/01/2014

Diana (2014) available at accessed on 04/01/2014

Diana (2014) available at accessed 04/01/2014

Diana (2014) available at accessed 04/01/2014

Diana (2014) available at accessed 04/01/2014

Diana (2014) available at accessed on 05/01/2014

Diana (2014) available at accessed on 04/01/2014

Diana crash (2014) available at accessed on 04/01/2014

Diana Tour (2014) avaliable at accessed 05/01/2014

Diana Tour (2014) avaliable at accessed 05/01/2014

Hindman E (2003) The princess and the paparazzi: Blame, responsibility and the medias role in the death of Dians, Journalism & mass communication quarterly 80 (3) Pge 666 - 688

Lennon J & Foley M (2000) Dark tourism: The attraction of death and disaster, Continuum, London

White l & Frew E (2013) Dark tourism and place identity, Routledge, Oxon




Diana Tour 


In Paris a hotel set up a tour following Dianas final route, travelling in a vehical identical to the Mercedes she died in, which was seen as a discrace by many

Lennon J & Foley M 2000


The Owner of the hotel Stated " We do a promotion every year to draw tourists in, we thought Diana for Augusts promotion as that is the month she died, theres nothing special about it really"


A British tourist said " Who would do that? thats sick, there has to be a better way to remember Diana!!!" 


" Everyday hundreds of tourists have been able to find their own way to the Pont L'Alma, to pay their resects to Diana, They don't need a tour!!!" 

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