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"All war ends in Tourism" 

J Aramberri & R Butler (2005)

The following website will discuss dark tourism ethics, Focusing on the media and the role they play in dark tourism


Ethics are a set of rules that demonstrate right and wrong behaviour

However there is alot of controversy with ethics as each individual has their own opinions of what they belive to be ethically right and wrong, depending on their beliefs and how they have been raised 

Hannam et al (2008)

The Media play a crucial role in creating primary interest when death, destruction and atrocity has occured.

The media shape and create tourists views of destinations and attractions

However when discussing the media a number of questions are raised 

Lennon and foley (2000)


  • How reliable are the media?

  • Are the stories true?

  • (if so) How biased are they?

  • Is the media responsible for Dark Tourism ?

  • Is it ethically right for the media to sell stories, with one thing in mind higher ratings ?


It is important to remember that the media are in constant competition to gain high ratings and sell more stories


On a daily basis the media highlight death and destruction. Due to the development of technologhy disasters can be shown almost as soon as they occur, the public have become so use to witnessing  these images they are no longer afraid to look on and observe

O Moufakkir & P Burns (2012)



Aramberri J & Butler R (2005) Tourist development: issues for a vulnerable industry, channel view publications, Clevedon 

Diana (2014) available at accessed on 03/01/2014

Hannam K & Atelievic I (2008) Backpacker Tourism: Concepts and Profiles, Channel view publications, Clevedon

Lennon J & Foley M (2000) Dark Tourism: The attraction of death and disaster, Continuum, London

Media (2014) available at accessed on 02/01/2014

Moufakkir O & Burns P M (2012) Controversies in tourism , CABI International, Oxfordshire 




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